Infrared Touchless Temperature Probe


6 en inventaire (peut être en cours d’approvisionnement)

UGS : AIOT-TMP55BE Catégorie:

This infrared Touchless Temperature Sensor is based on the Medical Grade  MLX90614ESF-DCI infrared sensor with the addition of a built in I2C differential bus extender. This allows this sensor to be connect via with you PLC or microcontroller using up to 100 feet of Cat-5 wire with RJ45 connectors. The unit has a field of view (FoV) of 5 degrees as well as a built-in and calibrated laser pointer for precise targeting. Note that this unit requires the Differential I2C Bus Extender Receiver  (model: AIOT-I2CBE5) endpoint to connect to you microcontroller. 


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