Evaluate your Organizations
Digital Mastery

Is your Organisation a Digital Master, Beginner, Conservative or a Digital Fashionista?

In their book “Leading Digital’’, George Westerman (Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan School of Management), Didier Bonnet and Andrew McAfee describe 4 levels of digital mastery.

AIoT Consulting Digital Mastery

 The simplicity of their quadrant (above) makes it easy for all organizations to quickly assess where they sit in relation to their own digital mastery. Follow the simple instructions below in order to evaluate in which quadrant your company currently belongs to.

3 simple steps to evaluate your organizations Digital Matery Level:

  1. Complete the Leadershipe Capabilities Quiz and note your score.
  2. Complete the Transformation Capabilities Quiz and note your score.
  3. Use the two score obtained above and locate where they intersect on the graph shown above. This will offer you a prelimanary idea of your organizations current digital mastery state.